The Canadian Journal of Bioethics is a peer-reviewed, bilingual (French and English), international, open access academic journal that publishes theoretical, conceptual and empirical research in bioethics. The aim of the journal is to provide a space for the publication of high quality and thought provoking bioethics scholarship of diverse forms.
ISSN: 2561-4665; Sherpa-Romeo
DOI: 10.7202/bioethics
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"Response to" Commentaries
Section Editor: Aliya Affdal
“Response to” commentaries permit the publication of well-articulated reflections on the perspectives or arguments advanced in manuscripts published in the journal. They should be clear and concise, 1000-2000 words.
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Missing the Forest for the Trees
The Harms of Imagining the Ideal
Co-Constructing Tomorrow’s Bioethics Between Science, Law and the Community
Professionalization of Clinical Bioethics: This is the Way
The Power of Silence
Quel rôle pour la bioéthique face à la complexité des enjeux planétaires?
Democracy, Effective Referral, and the Instrumentalization of Patients