Co-Constructing Tomorrow’s Bioethics Between Science, Law and the Community

  • Antoine Boudreau LeBlanc Programmes de bioéthique, École de santé publique de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal; Scientifique en résidence, Fonds de recherche du Québec, Québec, Canada
Keywords: global bioethics, One Health, science & politics, history of science, theory translation
Language(s): French, English


In 1964, Van Rensselaer Potter stressed the importance of linking Law, Science and communities to translate human knowledge into responsible action in terms of quality of life and the environment. This response recalls the teachings of this scientist and pioneer of bioethics, whose thinking remains marginalized to this day, in favour of a legal, philosophical and even theological vision focused on the value of human health.

How to Cite
Boudreau LeBlanc A. Co-Constructing Tomorrow’s Bioethics Between Science, Law and the Community. Can. J. Bioeth. 2024;7:46-9.
"Response to" Commentaries