How is Clinical and Organizational Ethics Conceptualized and Regulated in Quebec's CISSS-CIUSSS?


  • Nancy Gilbert Département de philosophie et des arts, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada
  • Marie-Josée Drolet Département d’ergothérapie, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada
  • Georges-Auguste Legault Faculté de droit, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada



clinical ethics, organizational ethics, regulation of ethics, self-regulation, hetero-regulation, integrated health and social services centres




In the current literature, the impacts of the transformation undergone by the Quebec health and social services network (RSSS) in 2015 deal mainly with issues of accessibility, efficiency and performance. The impacts of this reform on the place of ethics in the RSSS are to date little documented. In this article, we are interested in the place occupied by clinical and organizational ethics in the institutions created by this reform, namely the integrated health and social services centres (CISSS) and the integrated university health and social services centres (CIUSSS). How is ethics regulated? In a self-regulatory manner, that is to say based on rational reflection based on values? Or is it rather in a hetero-regulatory manner, based on obedience to norms dictated by an external authority? The aim of our study was to gain a better understanding of how clinical and organizational ethics are regulated in the CISSS and CIUSSS of the RSSS. To this end, an analysis of ethics-related documents developed by these establishment and made available to the public on their websites was carried out, using the conceptual framework that guided this study. In doing so, we were able to observe the predominance of hetero-regulatory regulation of ethics. Thus, although ethics seems to have a greater place than in the past within RSSS establishments, the regulation of clinical and organizational ethics remains largely and predominantly hetero-regulatory.



How to Cite

Gilbert N, Drolet M-J, Legault G-A. How is Clinical and Organizational Ethics Conceptualized and Regulated in Quebec’s CISSS-CIUSSS?. Can. J. Bioeth 2024;7:21-45.


